
Search results

  1. Family Fundamentals: Plan now to help control holiday costs (for 11/09)

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Family Fundamentals, c/o Martha ...

  2. Professor Honored for Global Commitment

    cheap," says Ockerman, who also is a scientist with the college's Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  3. OSU Extension Supporting 'Women and Money' Programs

    unbiased, reliable, research-based information and curriculum, financial tools and strategies, and ...

  4. Trials Help Poinsettias Get New Look for the Holidays

    said Claudio Pasian, a scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and ...

  5. ePA-005 Overview-Wooster

    During this session we will provide an overview of the ePA-005 process along with tips for completing the form.  Faculty and staff who complete the form are encouraged to attend.  Please join us for this informative session! ...

  6. Budgeting for Grants-Wooster

    During this session we will provide an overview of the expenses most commonly requested in grant applications. We will also discuss critical issues associated with developing budgets including: direct costs, allowable costs, and budget justifications.  Pl ...

  7. Ohio Growers Replanting Corn

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. "This is a very unusual situation. In the 26 years I've ...

  8. Gardening Good Therapy for Arthritis Sufferers

    "Gardening Isn't a Pain!" — a cross-disciplinary educational effort that involves research ...

  9. Drift Retardant Chemicals Serve Their Purpose

    each droplet. Yet, little research on the performance of the products has been documented. Results of ...

  10. Course Teaches Turf Management Beyond the Classroom

    Research and Development Center. "The trip to New York was to explore IPM techniques in an ...
