
Search results

  1. Ohio Dragonfly Research, presented by Jim Lemon, OCVN

    2017 is the first year of a planned three- year statewide survey; the first large scale effort since the 1990's. We are looking to get good data primarily through photographic observation and also collecting. We will be using iNaturalist for photo su ...

  2. Milking Machines and Milk Quality

    Most Ohio farms could probably benefit from a greater investment in preventive machine care. ...

  3. Dairy Policy and Market Watch

    farm bill? No. For dairy producers, there are important elements of that legislation that will expire ...

  4. Stable Nutrient Costs and Income for September

    historical average of about $6.00/cow/day. Thus, profitability of Ohio dairy farms should still be good and ...

  5. What is Your Corn Silage Worth?

    (predicted), and 75% confidence limits for feed commodities used on Ohio dairy farms. ...

  6. Economic Comparison of Reproductive Programs for Dairy Herds Using Estrus Detection, Ovsynch, or a Combination of Both

    reproductive management is made (compliance or accuracy of ED) at the farm level. Combination of ...

  7. Dairy Judging Team and 4-H Dairy Programming Updates

    farm, and cattle, plus contributions to this educational program.  Perhaps, you will have already met ...

  8. Ohio EPA Internship Postings for 2015

    Specific activities that interns may be involved include water quality sampling, wetland research ...

  9. Body Mass Dynamics, Stopover Duration, and Habitat Conditions for Migrant Shorebirds in the Southwest Lake Erie Marsh Region

    condition, potentially impacting survival and contributing to population declines.  I conducted research at ...

  10. Decision Sciences Collaborative Colloquium

    economic, and political environments. This talk covers three types of socio-ecological psychology research ...
