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- wooster ag facilities consisted research farms
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OSU researchers, faculty, extension specialist and extension educators. For ease of use, below you ... Farm Enterprise Budgets Soybean and Small Grain Agronomy Program Wheat Head Scab Forecasting System ...
2017 Day of Education
enter their license plate number and Chadwick Arboretum code as usual at the Ag Admin parking lot kiosk ...
Land As Your Legacy
land and farm they cherish. ...
Other Resources
researched knowledge from the best land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge ...
2016 Grape Kick-Off Meeting, MI
Damage: Research & Observations" Dr. Bruce Bordelon "Double Pruning for ... Frost Protection" Location: Southwest Michigan Research & Extension Center Flier: ...
Professional Development Workshop: Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity (Wooster)
The words "sex" and "gender" are frequently used synonymously, but they actually refer to different, but related, characteristics. So, what is sex? What is gender? And what happens when they don't align? What does it mean to be &q ...
Professional Development Workshop: Identity, Power, and Privilege (Wooster)
What does it mean to have privilege? How do your social identities (e.g., race, gender, class, religion, sexuality, etc.) grant or deny you privilege? How do you know when you have it and when you don't? How can we use power and privilege to break th ...
Professional Development Workshop: Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Implicit Bias (Wooster)
This interactive workshop will explore how identities, beliefs, and backgrounds shape our perceptions of other people in ways that can unconsciously widen the diversity gap and negatively impact us and the people we interact with. Participants will learn ...
Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Piketon
Ohio vineyards. Two locations: 1) July 21, 2017 Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station. Contact: ...
Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Ashtabula
Ohio vineyards. Two locations: 1) July 21, 2017 Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station. Contact: ...