
Search results

  1. CD Wire- March 11, 2014

    Inventory e-Learning modules Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually) Align applied research with ... Economic Analysis) and Ledia Guci (research economist, Regional Analysis and Special Studies Branch, Bureau ... Improving the dialogue surrounding migration research in rural areas Exemplifying the ways communities are ...

  2. Maps and Apps Workshop

    and Apps Workshop to be held April 24 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center from 10:00 ...

  3. How Do You Make A Healthier Cream Cheese That Doesn't Suck?

    Maleky’s research was recently featured in an article in Popular Science about making a healthier cream ...

  4. Student farm sprouts success


  5. Ohio State Alumni Association Supports Sokoine University of Agriculture’s Drive to Build Stronger Alumni Relations

    through the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative, or iAGRI. The iAGRI project is a major food ... security project funded by USAID and seeks to improve SUA’s teaching and research capacity, as well as ... other U.S. land grant universities, in addition to facilitating collaborative agricultural research ...

  6. The Art & Science of Facilitation- Training Workshop

    be held on December 2 and 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Gehres Room at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm ...

  7. CFAES Faculty Seek to Broaden Ag Extension Training in Nigeria

    Director of the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI), a major food security project in ...

  8. CD Wire- June 30, 2014

    password, click here (scroll down to "Paper and Bytes Workshop"). "Tune-Up Your Farm Market ... Booth to Boost Sales" Webinar- July 22: The "Tune-Up Your Farm Market Booth to Boost ... practitioner of participatory research and development, will be the keynote speaker. Early-bird registration ...

  9. CFAES Student Farm: Who We Are


  10. Out for Blood: Ticks, Lyme Disease Cases on the Rise in Ohio

    Needham said researchers and public health authorities are paying particular attention to  Lyme disease, ...
