
Search results

  1. New Grad Student Orientation, Wooster


  2. SENR Internship Stories

    child research and focus on whatever animal they wanted. One of my favorite experiences this summer was ...

  3. 2012

    Nucleic Acid Research. 40 (21): 10780-10794 Stewart, LR, Bouchard, R, Redinbaugh MG and Meulia T.  ... mosaic virus"  Virus Research  (2012)  165: 219- 224. Tatineni, Satanarayana; Qu, Feng; Li, Ruhui; ... silencing and an enhancer of disease symptoms. Virus Research  163(2): 672-677. Xiuchun Zhang, Xiaofeng ...

  4. 2008

    Benitez, M., Kleinhenz, M. D., Miller, S. A., and McSpadden Gardener, B. B. 2008. Effects of farm organic ... co-introduction of a suppressor of silencing. Transgenic Research 17:1143-1154.   Craven, K., Valez, E., Hicks, ...

  5. Welcome Cookout for New Transfer & Transition Students, Ag Administr Auditorium


  6. Urban Coyote Research Featured on NBC's TODAY Show and Nightly News

    Watch new videos featuring research conducted by SENR Associate Professor and Wildlife Ecologist  Stan Gehrt,   who leads the Cook County Coyote Research Project. The videos show footage captured by National Geographic Crittercams and an interview with ...

  7. Manual for Software Pipeline

    in our research) we have found that isotopes are not always abundant enough to be recognized by ...

  8. Paul Lab

    through disease prediction and risk assessment. Basic research has to be an ongoing process if we are to ...

  9. Discovery Day Plant Sale, OARDC Wooster


  10. Wooster Spring Spectacular Steer Show

    This show qualifies as "showing" prior to the Wayne County Fair for Beef exhibitors. Check-in is from 8-10 am at the Coliseum. ...
