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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-19
should apply). Whether you use the PSNT or the Minnesota evaluation scale, research by the University of ... Wooster, OH 44691. Label the bag with contact information, variety and seed treatment if known. Samples ... out scabby, lightweight grain. Our research shows that when harvesting normal-sized grain from scabby ...
Using accumulated heat units to predict leaf development in corn
be characterized by two phases. Purdue University research indicates that from VE to V10 (ten leaf ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-10
POST, or providing some residual control even after the POST. Our research shows that the minimum PRE ... Roundup Ready soybeans. A brief report on this research is available on the OSU weed science website ... – This research verified that giant ragweed populations are more effectively reduced when POST ...
Eliminating marestail as a determiner for postemergence soybean herbicide selection
activity from any one of these actives varies from year to year and field to field in our research ...
Where’s the Wheat?
Research Station in Wood County to do a wheat stand count. However, we didn’t find anything to count, and ... required for profitable wheat production. Our preliminary data (based on two locations of research in 2015) ...
Does Tillering Impact Corn Yield?
are often referred to a "suckers". However, research has shown that tillers usually have ...
Deadline to apply for the OSU Extension 2014 Annual Conference and Research Colloquium
You are invited to actively engage in the OSU Extension 2014 Annual Conference and Research ... encouraged to consider the research, skill sets, methods, and trends that will drive us forward in service to ...
Annual Corn & Soybean Day
The annual Corn & Soybean Day program is scheduled for January 22nd at Sauder Farm and Craft ...
Ag Safety Group Meeting
202 Bethany scheduled for Lisa Pfeifer Monday, July 2, 2018- 12:30pm to 3:30pm ...
Deciphering preplant dicamba labels and tank mixtures
glyphosate-resistant marestail in the spring though, and in our research has usually killed or at least stopped emerged ...