
Search results

  1. Ohio's Drought Causing Stunted Corn Ears

    said Thomison, who also holds an Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center appointment. ...

  2. Ten Approaches to Achieve High Corn Yields and Improve Profits

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. "Not only are these practices the foundation for successful ...

  3. National Speakers Headline Carbon Sequestration Symposium April 14

    Sequestration Center of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Scotts Miracle-Gro Company. ...

  4. With Rains, Corn Growers Face Herbicide Challenges

    appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. "Throw down some additional ...

  5. Local Food Farm Tour: Don's Prawns

    Come and enjoy a tour and see and learn first hand from the farmer where and how prawns are produced. Sponsored by OSU Extension and hosted by Don Maloney of Don's Prawns. ...

  6. Droughts Have Few Financial Impacts on Farmers

    problems. But the weather occurrence, as it impacts the farming sector overall, causes little, if any, ...

  7. Look to the Seal for Excellence in Ohio Wines

    Agricultural Research and Development Center have established the Ohio Quality Wine program. The program, which ...

  8. Continued Dry Weather May Spell Lodging Trouble for Corn

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, recommends growers check stalk quality as soon as the plants ...

  9. Cold Snap Raises Concerns Over Corn Crop

    University plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, "Cold ...

  10. A Green Solution to Storm Water Management

    found little to no literature when researching information on urban contour plantings for storm water ...
