
Search results

  1. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    17, coaches and team members traveled from all over the state to the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau ...

  2. Importance of Collecting Good Milk Samples

    farm, cow, and quarter being sampled; use gloves to avoid contamination) Clean and dry teats and udders ...

  3. Yield Forecasts for Corn

    Wooster, considered in this simulation are shown in Table 2. Acknowledgements: The data presented here is ...

  4. Minimizing pollen contamination of non-GMO Corn

    99%. Other research has indicated that cross-pollination between corn fields could be limited to 1% or ... Minnesota SW Research and Outreach Center. online at  http ...

  5. Controlling Pasture Flies on Cattle

    settings.  From an economic standpoint, horn flies cause the most damage.  Research indicates that a good ...

  6. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation

    best sources of effective NDF. Table 1.  Prices of dairy nutrients for Ohio dairy farms, mid-September ... feed commodities used on Ohio dairy farms, mid-September 2012. For convenience, Table 3 summarizes the ...

  7. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    lower butter prices and low farm milk prices. Recall the milk prices at the farm level received during ... when farm level protein tests fall, the cheese industry pulls from stocks to satisfy demand, and stocks ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-05

    'flea beetle index' for 2008. The locations and the corresponding indexes were: Wooster (OARDC), ... 79.6; Ashtabula, 79.8; Hoytville (Northwest Research Station), 80.0; South Charleston (Western Research ... performing tissue and soil analysis will aid in determining the need for sulfur. In replicated research done ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-33

    program.  In our research, glyphosate has really been a more effective fall-applied herbicide than dicamba, ... occurs?  Our research results, along with the comments we get from dealers and growers about this, have led ... a result of this research. Resistant variety programs were initiated in our region in the 1940s. New ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-02

    representatives, seed researchers, and wheat producers throughout Ohio. The group has worked with industry partners ... day conference with nearly 70 different speakers including University Specialists, Ag Industry ... research information is discussed. It also shows up in University publications that provide summaries of ...
