
Search results

  1. OSU Conflict of Interest

    From Exectutive Vice President and Provost Bruce McPheron, Senior Vice President for Research ...

  2. Profile- Miller

    a successful USDA NIFA Specialty Crops Research Initiative proposal, which required 100% match. The GDSU ... proposal submission. This gave us, the researchers, time to focus on the technical part of the proposal. ...

  3. Student farm sprouts success


  4. Out for Blood: Ticks, Lyme Disease Cases on the Rise in Ohio

    Needham said researchers and public health authorities are paying particular attention to  Lyme disease, ...

  5. CFAES Student Farm: Who We Are


  6. Leah McHale: 2018 CFAES Distinguished Junior Faculty Research Award Recipient


  7. David Mackey: 2018 CFAES Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award Recipient


  8. CD Wire- May 28, 2014

    ***************************************************************************** SCHOLARLY / CREATIVE / OPPORTUNITIES: Funding Opportunities for Farm-to-School/Local Food ... Programs- Applications due June 20: As the USDA is implementing the new Farm Bill, there are numerous ... opportunities to apply for funding to  support your farm to school efforts. The  Local Food Promotion Program ...

  9. CD Wire- December 10, 2013

    variety of research, teaching and service contributions that are being made. In many cases, this is where ... Goodenberger and Shelby Stults of The Ohio State University. Their research has found that renewable energy ... research fishery biologist for the US Geological Survey. Bunnell will discuss whether we can detect climate ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- April 1, 2013

    include: Building Capacity Webinar: Supporting the Change Journey- April 2 at 11:00 a.m. Why the 2013 Farm ... Energize Ohio Signature Program Train-the-Trainer Workshop on April 15 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm ... Energize Ohio Signature Program addresses the opportunities and challenges through research ...
