
Search results

  1. Fine Tune and Calibrate Sprayer to Reduce Pesticide Costs

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and ... research arms, respectively, of the college.  “With the high cost of pesticides and fertilizers, growers ...

  2. Rain and Frost Leave Farmers Pondering Replanting

    many parts of the state only added to the problem. Farm fields in the west-central counties near the ...

  3. Update on Research Activities in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, The ...

  4. New Associateship Program Launches for Future Extension Educators

    Ohio State University Extension will offer up to three Extension Director's research ...

  5. StrengthsFinder

    Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center, have created a revolutionary program ...

  6. OPGMA Summer Tour and Field Day

    Quarry Hill Orchards’ innovative farm, enjoy one-on-one time with industry vendors, get the information ...

  7. Strawberry Field Night, Piketon

    Showcase of plasticulture and matted row strawberry field research. Registration: $15. Details. ...

  8. Washington State University: Produce Fights Back! Compound from garlic fights against Campylobacter, common foodborne pathogen

    From Washington State University: Researchers have found a compound in garlic that is 100 times ... of foodborne illness.  While the research is in its early stages, the potential practical uses for ... the food industry are promising.   A word of caution, the research is NOT suggesting that eating mass ...

  9. Ohio State Offers Public Online Environmental Science Course

    Both brothers hold partial appointments with the college’s research arm, the Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  10. Environmental Policy Initiative Seminar, Columbus

    and focusing systematic collaboration in environmental policy through research, graduate and ...
