
Search results

  1. Scientist develops innovative vaccine for profit-draining swine virus

    A CFAES researcher has created a unique vaccine to protect swine from porcine reproductive and ... disease, said Renukaradhya (Aradhya) Gourapura, an associate professor in the Food Animal Health Research ... Program,  which is part of CFAES's research arm,  OARDC. The new vaccine is also enclosed in ...

  2. Selecting Corn Hybrids for Silage

    farm). A multitude of factors influence profitability, but for hybrid selection, the list can be reduced ... Effect on milk production. To select the most profitable hybrid for your farm, you need to know how much ... hybrid on a farm, so pick a few hybrids from that list to plant (consider seed price). A note on ...

  3. You Input Is Vital: Dairy Farmers Needs Survey

    and OARDC Research Scientists working together to bring the latest information to Ohio’s dairy ...

  4. Lead in Drinking Water: Ohio Leads the Way. What More Is Needed?

    event is in Ohio State’s  Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus. ...

  5. Update on Collegiate Dairy Judging and Dairy Palooza

    interest and visits to dairy farms who offered classes for us to evaluate.  Both also had active niche ...

  6. Ohio Christmas Tree Association honors Dave Shetlar

    Extension, research and teaching contributions to Ohio’s Christmas tree industry. The industry's ...

  7. SENR Boot Camp

    SENR’s 2014 Boot Camp will be held on Tuesday, January 21 st, 2014 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm ...

  8. Timothy Ursich- Agricultural Engineering Student

    senior year at OSU in Ag Engineering, as I take classes such as machine design and controls, and as I am ...

  9. Kristina Boone new director for ATI

    emerging e-learning instruction, research, service, engagement, marketing, student services and student ...

  10. Soybean Productivity

    suited to grass? We are researching management systems that include no-tillage, multi-purpose cover crops ... four sites will be done in early 2017. Primary researchers are:  Tara VanToai, Project Leader (recently ...
