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  1. Ohio State Receives $2.6M NSF Grant for Unique Research in Africa's Threatened Sahel Region

    Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (Senegal’s Agricultural Research Institute); France’s Research ...

  2. 2014 FABE Spring Banquet

    person Location: Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Across from the Schottenstein Center) 2201 ...

  3. Farmland As a Multi-Service Resource: Policy Trends and International Comparisons

    lands other than farmland, and active farming often produces such dis-amenities as water pollution or ... habitat loss. Emphasis here is on farms as a land use and only the positive amenity services they can ...

  4. Norma Gomez, AEDE PhD Student, Receives Grant to Conduct Research on Higher Education Value in Colombia

    a prestigious grant from the government of Colombia to conduct research on the value of the higher education ... the country.  The grant, which funds research for a period of 10 months, was made available through ... will have full access to ICFES data to conduct their research. The overall goal of the project is for ...

  5. Majoring in Construction Gets More Popular

    According to a recent report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, enrollment ...

  6. Some Farm Labor Myths and Realities

    Policy brief Sunday, July 1, 2001 Some Farm Labor Myths and Realities.pdf ...

  7. $24M Tanzanian Project Approved by OSU Trustees

    nutrition in this developing country. Another is to facilitate and fund collaborative research on food ... jointly with Tanzanian researchers.   This five-year grant, funded by the US Agency for International ... Development, involves collaborative research by a consortium of US universities including The Ohio State ...

  8. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Union County

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. Union ...

  9. Danyi Qi Awarded Bernie Erven Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award

    members of the  research group are developing a smart phone app to better measure household food waste. ...

  10. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Darke County

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. Darke ...
