
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review


  2. New Ohio State Extension Crop Field Guide Available

    pocket field guide helpful. The Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide, developed by researchers ...

  3. Compost Helps Control Turfgrass Fungus

    compost into the soil. Mike Boehm, one of the project researchers, said the nitrogen that the compost adds ...

  4. OSU Analysis: State's Green Energy Efforts Unlikely to Create Large Numbers of New Jobs

    and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center appointments. "The report outlines ... and research and development for long-term growth." Partridge added that the subsidy funds could ...

  5. 100 Students at 4-H Center Oct. 10 for National Eco-Bot Challenge

    University's Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, from 10 a.m. to noon.  During ...

  6. Glyphosate-Resistant Corn Hybrids Create Planting Challenges

    State University research and studies conducted at other land-grant universities, treatment was less ... ongoing research on new herbicides and technology may offer additional options in the future. Corn is one ...

  7. Worried About Fuel Prices? Grow Cover Crops for Fertilizer Needs

    research, cover crops supply ample nitrogen and recycle phosphorus for fertilizers while maintaining soil ... more information on Ohio State's research on cover crops, contact Rafiq Islam at (740) 289-2071, ...

  8. Animal Welfare Regulations Would Impact Ohio's Agriculture Industry

    stress, researchers can't seem to find that confinement has a big effect on the performance of the ... foot if such regulations were to be implemented." Tweeten has outlined his research in the ...

  9. OSU Extension Assists Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

    Agricultural Research and Development Center and an assistant professor of consumer sciences in the College of ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Try this alternative 'time-out' method for children (for August 2011)

    Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Family Fundamentals, c/o Martha ...
