
Search results

  1. Pigs Gone Wild Have Come to Ohio

    two ways. They escaped from farms or hunting preserves. Or people released them illegally for hunting. ...

  2. Ohio State Students Launch ‘Environmental ScienceBites’ iBook

    to Environmental Science course researched, wrote and reviewed all the articles as a project for the ...

  3. Professor Explores Domestic Source of Rubber

    Katrina Cornish, a researcher with The Ohio State University, is exploring domestic sources of ... Cornish works for the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the research arm of the College ...

  4. Bringing Water to Marwa Village, Tanzania

    political and economic changes to the food system of Tanzania. “I can’t wait to be doing full-time research ... my thesis, and hopefully will be complimenting research done by Tanzanian economists as well.” All ...

  5. The World Is the Classroom: CFAES Study Abroad Provides Unique Educational Experiences

    experience. Geography students have in the past conducted research with faculty members in Antarctica, but this is the ... it a reality,” Newlon said. “Research indicates that students with financial need gain the most when ...

  6. Ohio Farm Bureau marker unveiled


  7. Leadership Institute

    of three sessions.  The first and last sessions are all day workshops presented at our Columbus facility ...

  8. Celebrating the Campaign

    teaching, research and outreach. In 2014, the estates of Geraldine and Arthur Winfough Jr. committed a $2.8 ... scholarship, research and community outreach. Also, you can still participate in the campaign with a donation. ...

  9. Ohio Study Shows How Shoreline Anglers Value Lake Erie Fishing

    the fishery, and we found willing research partners with the ODNR Division of Wildlife and OSU ...

  10. High Cost of Foodborne Illness: New Study Provides State-by-State Breakdown

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, the research arm of the university’s College of Food, ...
