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  1. Managing Wildlife Conflicts in your Landscape Workshop

    specialist, Gehrt has become widely known in the field of urban wildlife, especially for his research on ...

  2. New 4-H Center Receives $50,000 Pledge

    growing up on a farm. "I began my 4-H tenure as a 9-year-old. I've been involved in 4-H almost ... lived 4-H. Growing up on a farm, 4-H was a vehicle to help me do many, many things. It's ...

  3. SENR faculty member chronicles teaching journey at conference aimed at enhancing student learning

    forest ecosystem type (based on their observations and research), and speculate on the disturbance ...

  4. Lisa and Dan Wampler Provide Endowed Fellowship

    Health Research. Dan explains why he made this generous gift. ...

  5. Dry Weather Boosting Apple Quality

    more. "During Farm Science Review in September, the Ohio Farm Bureau gave out 30 to 40 percent more ...

  6. Grain Bin Preparation

    pests present in or around farm storage bins or in grain handling equipment.  An effective sanitation ...

  7. Predicting leaf development in corn using accumulated heat units

    characterized by two phases. Purdue University research indicates that from VE to V10 (ten leaf collars), leaf ...

  8. Economic Valuation of Product Features

    will focus on his recent research with Jeff Brazell from The Modellers, John R. Howell from the Smeal ...

  9. Is the No-Cutting Fall Rest Period for Alfalfa Really Necessary?

    the case in many years on many farms, especially where excellent management is in place…where a good ...

  10. Agri-Terrorism Focus of Ohio State Study

    Department of Agriculture, Ohio Farm Bureau, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency, and the Ohio Veterinary ... a set of questions about issues of terrorism starting with the farm level and proceeding to food ...
