
Search results

  1. Reduced Cost Manure Samples and Soil Samples Available to Pork Producers

    provided at their discretion in an aggregated format (no personal or individual farm information). Tom ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-24

    readily depending upon formulation and temperature. Research indicates that soybean yield is not generally ... at the time of exposure (although still unlikely unless symptoms are severe). Our research with ... entire field. Other fields have shown symptoms only in some areas. In OSU research plots, we have ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-03

    Baker, Director Emeritus National Center for Water Quality Research, Heidelberg University, Dr. Elizabeth ... Dayton, Research Scientist, School of Environmental & Natural Resources, The Ohio State University and ... Extension. The meeting location is the Robert Fulton Ag Center located at 8770 State Route 108, Wauseon which ...

  4. North American Manure Expo

    Nutrients to Their Roots. The Expo will be held at the site of the Farm Science Review north of London. ... August 3 rd begins with tours of farms and agribusinesses focusing on nutrient management practices. ...

  5. Crawford on Farm Research and efields night

    What  we’ll  cover: 2018 eFields report    Corn seeding rate Soybean seeding rate Corn nitrogen rate Nitrogen Timing Planting Equipment Settings ...

  6. Internet Resources

    Taxes Iowa State Ag Decision Maker- Legal & Taxes Penn State Agricultural Law Resource & ...

  7. Ohio caviar production sparks media attention

    Steven Mims of Kentucky State University and Renee Koerner of Big Fish Farms show a female ...

  8. 2016 West Ohio Agronomy Day will be held January 11th

    Dr. John Fulton, Ohio State University ag engineering.  We will be providing Private Pesticide ...

  9. Ponding and Saturated Soils: Results of Recent Ohio Corn Research

    Persistent rains during May and early June have resulted in ponding and saturated soils in many Ohio corn fields and led to questions concerning what impact these conditions will have on corn performance. The extent to which ponding injures corn is determ ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-19

    vomitoxin harmful and how toxic is it? Vomitoxin research on humans is prohibited for legal and moral ... elevators, bins, seed houses, grinding facilities, etc.  A dust mask should be worn whenever handling ... marketing opportunities, moldy grains can also be problematic to the health of the farm operator. Grain that ...
