
Search results

  1. MS Grad School Opportunity

    pre-veterinary or pre-medical science) and able to learn and conduct laboratory procedures. The research involves ...

  2. 101st Little International

    Dr. Martin Mussard, Farm Manager of the The Ohio State University Beef and Sheep Centers. This award ...

  3. CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team honored

    as head of OARDC's Food Animal Health Research Program; and Ryan Schmiesing, director of ...

  4. CD Wire- May 28, 2014

    ***************************************************************************** SCHOLARLY / CREATIVE / OPPORTUNITIES: Funding Opportunities for Farm-to-School/Local Food ... Programs- Applications due June 20: As the USDA is implementing the new Farm Bill, there are numerous ... opportunities to apply for funding to  support your farm to school efforts. The  Local Food Promotion Program ...

  5. 2013 Diversity Leadership Symposium: Enriching our Cultural Competencies

    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4‐H Center Cost: FREE to students, $45 registration fee for faculty and ...

  6. Animal Sciences Recognized at Ohio State's 2015 Leadership Awards

    the Food Animal Health Research Program), received Diversity Engagement Awards sponsored by the ...

  7. 2013 OSU Animal Science Hall of Fame Recipient

    two grown children, a daughter Mandy and a son Andy, who is also involved in the farming operation in ...

  8. CD Wire- December 10, 2013

    variety of research, teaching and service contributions that are being made. In many cases, this is where ... Goodenberger and Shelby Stults of The Ohio State University. Their research has found that renewable energy ... research fishery biologist for the US Geological Survey. Bunnell will discuss whether we can detect climate ...

  9. Financial: Travel

    mileage, use your location of work (e.g., Columbus campus office, Wooster campus office) rather than your ... Julie Morris Wooster 108 Gerlaugh Hall 330-263-3908 CFAES Business Office ...

  10. Eastridge Receives Purdue Alumni Award

    His primary responsibilities include teaching, Extension, and research in dairy cattle nutrition. He ... "Dr. Eastridge has maintained recognizable achievement in research, with 27 publications in ...
