
Search results

  1. Congratulations to newly promoted faculty

    Environmental Care by Roger A. Hart, which has been a key influence in her research and outreach work opening ...

  2. Stop Hunger Now

    It takes place at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at 2201 Fred Taylor Drive. Groups, ...

  3. Program to Discuss Increasing Central Ohio’s Recreation Access

    Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) from 7:15-9:20 a.m. Dec. 10 in the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H ...

  4. We're the Ones Who Keep it Local

    valuable experience in web development, meeting facilitation, and research." ...

  5. Alayna C. Dorobek's Graduate Defense Seminar

    River System. This seminar will be held at the Schiemeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park. Dam ...

  6. FST Fall Semester Seminar

    The presentation will provide an overview about the research conducted at IFSH on various "New ...

  7. EPN July Breakfast

    will travel by an OSU charter bus from Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center to Buckeye Lake, ...

  8. New evidence shows growing intolerance for lethal control of predators

    a post-doctoral researcher working with Assistant Professor Alia Dietsch in Ohio State’s School of Environment and ...

  9. Dick_R The Interreg-DEVAG Project

    agroecology for fruits and vegetables in the Caribbean. Research activities are focused on the development of ... adoptable in the Caribbean environments, research also encompass: (i) substitution of chemical fertilizers ... These research activities are conducted in permanent connection with farmers and agricultural ...

  10. TWEL Faculty, Staff and Students Attending Wildlife Conference

    disciplines and backgrounds.  research ffw TWEL presentations ...
