
Search results

  1. Dale A. Seiberling Receives Ohio State Alumni Award

    with a pilot-scale CIP system to be used for future research. “Seiberling’s passion and impact, ... Seiberling Graduate Research Assistantship Award in Food Engineering to support the Seiberling ...

  2. Staging for reno of 250 Ag Eng

    202 Wednesday, June 27, 2018- 2:30pm to 4:30pm ...

  3. Ag Eng Pool Classroom Computers

    219 Tuesday, June 19, 2018- 9:00am to 10:00am ...

  4. Deadline to apply for the OSU Extension 2014 Annual Conference and Research Colloquium

    You are invited to actively engage in the OSU Extension 2014 Annual Conference and Research ... encouraged to consider the research, skill sets, methods, and trends that will drive us forward in service to ...

  5. FST Faculty Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    sanitary practices and the development of processes that kill pathogens. Yousef and his research team ...

  6. Ag Safety Group Meeting

    202 Bethany scheduled for Lisa Pfeifer  Monday, July 2, 2018- 12:30pm to 3:30pm ...

  7. Graduate Student, Cindy Barrera-Martinez, places first at the American Chemical Society’s International Elastomer Conference

    subject knowledge. Professor Katrina Cornish,  Endowed Chair and Ohio Research Scholar of Bioemergent ...

  8. Ag Safety Group Meeting

    202 Bethany D. scheduled for Lisa Pfeifer  Monday, June 4, 2018- 11:30am to 2:00pm ...

  9. Soil & Water Quality

    Rafiq Islam.  Soil Quality Research For more details and to order a soil quality field test kit, click ...

  10. Justin Viers meeting w/Wooster

    202 Monday, April 23, 2018- 1:30pm to 3:00pm ...
