
Search results

  1. Ohio AgrAbility Factsheets

    information that can be helpful for Ohio’s farmers and farm families coping with a disability or long-term ... health condition. Farm Family Resources Assistive Technology for the Farm, AEX-983.2-11 Extending ... Universal Design Principles onto the Farmstead, AEX_983_1_10.pdf Initital Farm Injury Emergency Response, ...

  2. Farming & Gardening Resources


  3. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

    Experts from Chile will interact with Wooster campus staff, students, and faculty about Chilean ...

  4. Ohio AgrAbility Endowment Fund

    regarding rural health care, secondary injury prevention, and farming with a disability.- Peer support ...

  5. We Are "Extension"

    and Consumer Sciences, Ag and Natural Resources, SNAP-Ed or Master Gardeners. But, with all that ...

  6. Easterseals Sunburst Newsletter: Making Dreams Come True

    Kipp, a veteran with a disability, has always dreamed of farming. With AgrAbility, new technology is ... “[We] thank each of you for supporting Kipp’s dream to farm.” To view the entire newsletter: Easterseals ...

  7. Lunch and Learn: Go Wild, Go Native

    the Conference Room at the Ag Center located at 831 College Avenue, Lancaster, OH.  The program will ...

  8. 2015 Buckeye Sheperd's Symposium

    Ohio AgrAbility will have a display at the Buckeye Sheperd's Symposium in Wooster, Ohio at ...

  9. Ohio Hopps & Malting Conference

    Wooster, Ohio. For more information on the event contact Andy Bauer, Educational Program Coordinator for ...

  10. Addressing Equity and Inclusion in Your Research Mentoring

    This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty. During this workshop, participating faculty will learn how to acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege, stereotyp ...
