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4-H News and Notes: March 29, 2016
April 9th State 4-H Sew Fun Day- April 9th 16th Annual Wooster Spring Spectacular Steer and Heifer Show- ...
Summer Food Safety
Sciences Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational ...
Assistant Professor of Leadership position available
teaching and 25% research, is a tenure-track position with a 9-month appointment. The faculty member will ... research, and service. The faculty member will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses that ... seek internal and external research support funds. The faculty member will also be expected to engage ...
ACEL Graduate Student Association Graduate Development Conference
Abstracts and Research Ideas Session II: Dissemination of Research Session III: Research Resources- How to ... Utlize the Library in Research Session IV: Funding your Research No registration fee! RSVP ...
Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink
reminders of ways in which feed shrink occurs on the farm and some management options to reduce that loss. ... mixing errors. Concentrate commodities shrink in many ways from the time they arrive at the farm until ... they are eaten by your cows. The cost of shrink on your farm can add up quickly. Typical shrink ...
Corn Stalks Can Stretch Feed Supplies
of corn (56 lb. per bushel) there is about 45 pounds of residue on a dry matter (DM) basis. Research ... a diet of approximately 6% crude protein and 50 to 55% TDN. University of Nebraska research suggests that ...
Meet Holly Huellemeier: Food Connoisseur & Engineer
future is to eventually conduct engineering research and development for large scope companies. Just ...
Silage Pile Management And Safety
number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms. Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling. If a person is located below ...
Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety
number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms. Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling. If a person is located below ...
Agunga earns undergraduate research mentor award
Dr. Robert Agunga was recognized as a Distinguished Undergraduate Research mentor (DURM) by the ... Undergraduate Research Office. He is a faculty member in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education ... and Leadership. This award, founded in 2007, is to recognize the clinical and research faculty, ...