
Search results

  1. New Developments in the World of Soybean Pathology

    interest. Two new videos are out on soybean rust.  The videos include highlights from numerous research and ... Extension projects carried out by land-grant university researchers from around the country involved in soybean rust ... research and monitoring efforts.  They were produced with support from the American Public Land Grant ...

  2. Ohio no-till field day announced

    The Ohio No-Till Field Day will be Sept. 9 at John Buck’s farm in western Marion County (7632 ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-23

    to be Showcased at 2013 Farm Science Review Management of Frogeye leaf spot on Susceptible Varieties ... 28.5% and 47% at Northwest (Wood County) and Western (Clark county) Branch research stations.  The ... your laptop and we will walk through an example farm and develop a plan from the information gathering ...

  4. Nutrient Management Field Day-Wood County

    A Field Day event that include field demonstrations and research updates. The program meets the ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-04 We studied several of these seed treatments for efficacy ... against several insects in 2003 and the ... /reports.htm When Is A Generic Not A Generic? Authors: Mark Loux The generic herbicide market is expanding with ...

  6. Ohio No-Till Field Day- August 31

    Summer Field Day, August 31 on the Jan Layman Farm, 15238 Township Road 119, Kenton.  Registration will ...

  7. First Generation of Roundup Ready Soybean Trait Patent Set to Expire in 2015

      Patents help fuel research and development by granting companies exclusive rights to make, use and sell ... be little incentive for companies to invest in research and development of new technologies. For ...

  8. Ohio No-Till Field Day (Wooster)


  9. Handy Bt Trait Table for U.S. corn production updated for 2017

    ratings are based on published lab assays and/or field research from field corn, sweet corn, and cotton. ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-04

    Research data has shown that N applied prior to greenup, regardless of form may be lost and yields greatly ... However, research data has shown that a single topdress of N applied at early stem elongation yielded as ... problems). However, again, further research is needed in order to provide other management recommendations, ...
