
Search results

  1. Marketing Milk and Cheese from Your Small Diary Farm

    Link to webinar:      Speaker(s):  TBA      It is best to log in about 15 minutes prior to the start time so that you can make sure you are able to log in, and that your sound is working properly. NOTE: if you ...

  2. Depooling: A call to action

    Farmers of America and Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. have requested a change in the pooling provisions for the ...

  3. Don't Forget Quality Assurance While Preparing for Summer Fairs and Shows

    from many different farms using them. Therefore, it is important to properly dip and disinfect teats ...

  4. Feed and Nutrient Costs in Dairy Production: Where are we now?

    commodities.  The prices used were for Central Ohio on a farm delivered TTL (tractor-trailer-load) basis.  Your ...

  5. Using Nutrient Cost to Benchmark Your Nutrition Costs

    Requirements of Dairy Cattle from the National Research Council (2001), this can be easily done with reasonable ...

  6. Testing Milk for rbST

    a minimum of either 2 or 4 variants of bST (and there are actually more variants based on research conducted ...

  7. Corn Silage Harvest is Imminent

    Research has demonstrated that the position of the kernel milk-line is not a reliable indicator for ...

  8. Ohio State ATI Welcomes New Equine Professor

    Ph.D. in December 2010, Suagee completed postdoctoral research on lipid metabolism of dairy cows and the ...

  9. Recapping the Best of the Aquaculture Boot Camp Program in 2014

    at his aquaculture operation, Freshwater Farms of Ohio, in Urbana to learn about marketing and ...

  10. rbST Safety Around the World

    Children's Nutrition Research Center; Baylor College of Medicine; Council on Agricultural Science & ...
