
Search results

  1. Running the NRC Dairy Cattle Model Software on Windows 7 64-bit Operating System

    Research Council's (NRC) website clearly states that the NRC Dairy Cattle Model Software program is ...

  2. Drought Stressed Corn as Silage

    research trials have demonstrated that the oxygen barrier 2-step products have reduced losses more than ...

  3. Ag Tax Issues Workshop


  4. Ag Lender Seminar


  5. Mideast Federal Order Hearing Held on March 7, Wooster, Ohio

    Dr. Cameron Thraen, Milk Marketing Specialist, Ohio State University, Additional milk marketing information by Dr. Thraen If you are a regular to my Ohio Dairy Website (, you will be familiar with a chart that I pos ...

  6. Managing Farm Financial Stress


  7. Ag Tax Update- Webinar

    See back for details or contact Amanda Bennett. ...

  8. You’re Invited to the CFAES VIP Alumni Tent at Farm Science Review 2016

    Coming to the Farm Science Review? Stop by our VIP alumni tent. ...

  9. 16th Annual Wooster Spring Spectacular Steer and Heifer Show Hosted by Wrangler Kids 4-H Club

    Check-in: 8:00 am- 10:00 am. Show Starts at 12 noon Heifers will show first, immediately followed by Steers Wayne County 4-H members are encouraged to show!  There is also a county bred/born/raised steer class held after the open show.  For more informati ...

  10. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Management Specialist, The Ohio State University. Feed markets have turned wild, the results of speculation, substantial increase in corn demand from ethanol plants, and a USDA report that reduced the size of the 2006-2007 cor ...
