
Search results

  1. Predicting Leaf Development in Corn Using Accumulated Heat Units

    characterized by two phases. Purdue University research indicates that from VE to V10 (ten leaf collars), leaf ...

  2. Evaluating Soybean Stand

    bushel/day when planting later than mid-May.  Additionally, previous research conducted by the AgCrops Team ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-32

    2,4-D 3. Some additional comments on these treatments, based on the results of OSU research:- Glyphosate ... weeds.- Autumn has been more effective when mixed with glyphosate, rather than 2,4-D.- In OSU research ... amount of crop residue on the soil surface has not appeared to affect herbicide activity in our research ...

  4. Applying Your Strengths @ Work

    organization.  The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know their talents and use ...

  5. Late season diseases showing up in unexpected places in 2015

    produces. We have the North Central Soybean Research program soybean variety trial in Northwest Ohio, and ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-33

    wheat growers. Wheat is very important to Ohio’s farm economy. It is the most widely grown food crop in ... production on some farms. This new publication provides up-to-date information on planting, fertility, ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-35

    Manager), Nathan Douridas (FSR Farm Manager), David Dugan (Adams, Brown, Highland), Mike Gastier (Huron), ...

  8. Reminders about Palmer amaranth

    expensive, and these steps are essential to ensure that farm profitability is not reduced by this weed.  6.  ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-09

    a BB, and usually clear to slightly opaque (see picture at ... Anne Dorrance and Dennis Mills (Plant Pathology), Erdal Ozkan (Ag Engineer), Peter Thomison (Corn ...

  10. Burndown of Cover Crops

    free online.  Contains a summary of his research on cover crop termination and effect of residual ...
