
Search results

  1. OSU hosts International Nonthermal Processing Workshop

    opportunities for public-private partnership for advancing nonthermal processing research, information and ... nonthermal processing and research needs in nonthermal processing. The workshop was co-sponsored by IFT ...

  2. Leadership Institute

    of three sessions.  The first and last sessions are all day workshops presented at our Columbus facility ...

  3. Ohio a hub for bacteria-killing, high-pressure food processing

    high-pressure-processing equipment companies in the world is based in Cincinnati; Ohio State has devoted a research team to ...

  4. About Us

    door. We fulfill the university's land-grant mission by interpreting knowledge and research ... developed by the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, the university, and other land-grant ... universities across the United States so Ohioans can use the research-based information to better their lives, ...

  5. Rain and Frost Leave Farmers Pondering Replanting

    state only added to the problem. Farm fields in the west-central counties near the Indiana border were ... 614-292-2373 Aaron Wilson 614-292-7930 agronomy farming agriculture ...

  6. Pumpkin Field Night

    field research including cultivar evaluations, disease & insect identification and control, ...

  7. Ohio State Leads Effort to Prep Students for Biobased Careers

    from crops and waste from farms that can be sustainably used to create energy, fuels, and biobased ...

  8. Dr. Hanping Wang was an invited speaker on aqua genomics/genetics/breeding at National Strategic Planning Workshop

    2016 in Auburn, Alabama. The workshop brought researchers, government officials and industry leaders ...

  9. Hops Field Night-Wooster, Ohio


  10. Got Concerns? Dairy Scholar Extols Nutritional Virtues of Milk

    to dairy by products, he said. Among his current research initiatives is an examination of the “fresh ... working on a proposal to investigate high-pressure homogenization as well. While the research is ...
