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Kalcic research group meetings
202 Monday, September 16, 2019- 12:00pm to 2:00pm ...
2015 AgrAbility Virtual National Traing Workshop
a wheelchair during farming and gardening activities requires special considerations of that chair. It's ... right chair for the farm. The virtual session is based on a new resource publication: Selecting and ...
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Demo
aerial vehicle (UAV), as Tim Norris, CEO of Ag Info Tech explained potential uses of this up and coming ...
NASA's Capstone Design
Columbus and Rm 100, Wooster reservation request Jim, Please reserve the two rooms in the Subject filed for ...
Chow Line: “Raw” Water Trend Can Make You Sick
research arms, OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to ...
Ohio State not alone in spending big on research
investment earnings to a research hiring campaign, the Discovery Themes initiative is underway. More than 60 ... new researchers have been hired in fields ranging from materials science to biomedical informatics to ... humanities and the arts in those solutions. Big-ideas research campaigns like Discovery Themes are in vogue ...
GAPs 3-Hour Training: Washington County
reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: •Food Safety ...
GAPs 3-Hour Training: Athens County
reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: •Food Safety ...
E. Ozkan
Room 100 (Wooster) Hi Jim, Peggy Could you please reserve Conference rooms in both buildings for ...
Ag Safety
202 BEthany reserved Friday, July 12, 2019- 1:00pm to 2:00pm ...