
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-04

    University research completed in 2003 revealed that loss of N from a single N application prior to spring ... This research has consistently shown that yield differences between no-till and tilled ground were ... long-term rotation experiments at the OSU-OARDC Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Wood County. Dr. ...

  2. Bt Resistance in Western Corn Rootworm—The 3rd Shoe Has Dropped

    noticed many field failures due to heavy rootworm feeding. Most of this research was led by Dr. Aaron ...

  3. Considering Growing Wheat in Wide Rows?

           What is the ideal seeding rate for wide-row wheat? An on-farm trial was conducted at three ...

  4. Keep the sugar for your coffee and your cookies

    practices that cost time and money and are not likely to be of assistance. From several on-farm trials ...

  5. Coshocton GAPS 3 hour program

    audit on the farm), workbook, and other handouts To Pre-register: Mail $10.00 per person, cash or check, ...

  6. MFA Art Installation

    installed a bathtub filled with glass bubbles in our Arboretum North research lake. It is titled Bath Time ...

  7. Yield Forecasts for Corn

    Wooster, considered in this simulation are shown in Table 2. Acknowledgements: The data presented here is ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-05

    'flea beetle index' for 2008. The locations and the corresponding indexes were: Wooster (OARDC), ... 79.6; Ashtabula, 79.8; Hoytville (Northwest Research Station), 80.0; South Charleston (Western Research ... performing tissue and soil analysis will aid in determining the need for sulfur. In replicated research done ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-33

    program.  In our research, glyphosate has really been a more effective fall-applied herbicide than dicamba, ... occurs?  Our research results, along with the comments we get from dealers and growers about this, have led ... a result of this research. Resistant variety programs were initiated in our region in the 1940s. New ...

  10. Former Ambassador and Hunger Fighter, Tony Hall, Visits Ohio State to Highlight Food Security

    4-H Center for Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) annual conference on March ... advancing cutting-edge research in the area of agriculture and environmental sciences. Throughout the visit ...
