
Search results

  1. Forestry Exhibit on display at Thompson Library until May 14

    of the Thompson Library, the University has been instrumental in promoting forest research and ...

  2. NE Ohio Field Day

    Research Station  in northeast Ohio. The station, which is run by The Ohio State University, does research ... college, and specifically is part of its research arm, the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  3. November-December 2014

    Welcome to the latest issue of OARDC Report, the newsletter of the  Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center. OARDC is the research arm of the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  4. Turfgrass Pathology Disease Day

    and Joe for FREE! July 12, 9:00-12:00pm Program •Spend time looking over ongoing disease research ...

  5. Dairy Teat Health and Management During the Winter

    researchers have shown that wind chill has an impact that is more important than actual ambient temperature. ...

  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurism in Science

    Attn: Graduate students and early-career scientists   Ever wondered how your research can ... faculty members who are pursuing translational research for the commercialization of technologies, ...

  7. Urban Conservation and Stormwater Management Links

    approach: watershed and stormwater services, research, training, publications, webinars) Center for ... research and professional assistance to communities contemplating green infrastructure planning and ... Stormwater Engineering (design specs, research, info, news, training) Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership ...

  8. New book, backed by citizen science, shows state of birds in Ohio

    Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio, which was developed and edited in part by researchers with ties to ... School of Environment and Natural Resources. It’s been a boon, too, to research, he said. “Data generated ... complex relationships between species distributions and land use,” he said. Researchers in the school also ...

  9. Health and Wellness

    reduce the illnesses and frailties that eventually require medical care. In addition, research can ...

  10. Fall Management Practices for Wheat

    research from the past four years has not shown a yield response to supplemental sulfur on medium to ...
