
Search results

  1. Feral Cats Avoid Urban Coyotes, Are Surprisingly Healthy

    Editor: This story was previously released by Ohio State University’s Office of Research and ... conducting since 2000.   For this latest study, the researchers live-trapped free-roaming cats in or near ... landscape are greater than what people think.”   Gehrt’s co-researchers on the study were Evan Wilson, also ...

  2. Have Research, Will Travel

      Research is already exciting, but imagine how exciting it can be when it sends you to a foreign ... research internationally. You will learn about the paths that fellow undergraduates have taken while ... conducting research abroad and what you need to know to make it happen for you.  RSVP       ...

  3. Antarctic Ice Sheet Evoluation and the Earth Climate

    The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Winter Seminar welcomes Flavio Justino, Universidade ... visit the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. ...

  4. Faculty member co-edits new book on Percid Fishes

    will be especially valued by researchers of percid fish biology and aquaculture professionals ...

  5. Pacific Island Agriculture: Alternative Pig Waste Management for improved stream water quality and soil fertility

    cutting-edge research in Hawaiian Islands, continental U.S., Pacific Basin, Myanmar, and Nepal, addressing ...

  6. EPN Hosting Program on Lead in Ohio’s Water

    event is in Ohio State’s  Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus. ...

  7. College Dives Deep Into Issues of Water

    his work with the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, as well as assistant ...

  8. TWEL Marja Bakermans Dissertation

    be impacted by events on both the breeding and nonbreeding grounds. My dissertation research examined ... Ohio, 2004-2006. Research on the breeding grounds identified 1) how clearcutting impacted spatial ... stems, and number of grapevines, respectively.   On the nonbreeding grounds, my research examined 1) the ...

  9. Bramble, Blueberry and Winegrape Field Night

    our blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, and wine grape research plots at our workshop.  We have both ...

  10. Supporter of Cooperatives Inducted into Ohio Ag HOF

    Dennis Bolling, a passionate advocate for cooperatives and a supporter of the Center for Cooperatives in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, was inducted into the Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame on August 3 at the Ohio State Fair ...
