
Search results

  1. ENRGP Exit Seminar: Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management

    Hall. Beau Ingle will present Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management. Prior research ...

  2. Study Abroad

    Caribbean nation of The Dominican Republic. Conduct environmental research in China. Possible future trips ...

  3. Reflections on Biking To Work

    only takes a few more minutes to get to work biking versus driving." Joe Campbell, a research ...

  4. TWEL Jason Tucker Thesis

    restoration) to determine the minimum viable population of cranes in Ohio.  More research is also necessary to ...

  5. TWEL Melissa Santiago Thesis

    research is needed to assess the potential for pesticide exposure, differences in productivity between ...

  6. TWEL Stephanie Hauver Thesis

    social behavior remain enigmatic. Recent research, however, suggests that raccoons possess a more complex ...

  7. TWEL Jared Duquette Thesis

    geographic range of this mesocarnivore. Virtually no research has addressed the ecology of the badger east of ...

  8. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

      The ESGP Seminar welcomes Christopher Grant and Regina Lamendella, Research Assistant ...

  9. Ag Breakfast

    Representatives of various agriculture related businesses are welcome to meet and discuss issues dealing with all aspects of agriculture. Both active and retired farmers and community members are invited. Elected officials are also welcome.  There is no p ...

  10. Chamber Ag Day- 3 Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    Please see the flyer at this link to see the full list of activities and for registration information. Fulfills certification requirements This meeting will fulfill the three-hour requirement for applicators who need the agricultural fertilizer applicator ...
