
Search results

  1. Faggian Named the 2015 Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Award Winner by the North American Regional Science Council

    regional science research by scholars who have completed their doctoral studies in the last 10 years. Dr. ... education. Her research on innovation has made ground-breaking contributions to the understanding of how ...

  2. Ohio Local Foods Week

    include: Host a community garden or farm tour. Promote Local Foods Week through social media (resources ...

  3. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    long-term future of OSU Extension. See  Descriptors for Trend Research  for more background and a list of 17 ... trends or issues identified. These descriptors will be studied and research summaries written to further ...

  4. Lecture Series

    faculty, students and farm clientele in a number of formats. Following is a list of VanBuren Lectures given ... with Precision Farming Technologies. May 3-4, 2000 Dr. Marshall A. Martin, Professor of Agricultural ...

  5. Plasticulture Strawberry Field Day

    for horticulture. Brad conducts research and Extension programs in vegetable crops and plasticulture ...

  6. Communiqué June 25, 2014

    Contents Rapid Prototyping – A Leadership Skill OSUE Annual Conference and Research Colloquium – ... Conference and Research Colloquium – The Next 100 Years – December 9, 10, and 11 This three-day conference ... scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and ...

  7. Wood County Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the ...

  8. Darke and Montgomery Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    policy changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the ...

  9. Erie, Huron, Sandusky and Seneca Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment.  Overview briefs and ...

  10. 2018 Agricultural Diversification Research Tour

