
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review

    The Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio is home to the Farm Science Review (FSR), ...

  2. Alessandra Faggian Appointed Co-Editor of Papers in Regional Science

    journal Papers in Regional Science. In this role, Dr. Faggian will focus on regional science research ... related to the Americas. Dr. Faggian’s research interests lie in the fields of regional and urban ...

  3. Economic Impact of Avian Influenza

    Extension senior analyst, who led the study. "If the virus affects more farms, as we have seen since ... in wages. No poultry on your farm- think about the effect on the demand for corn and soybean meal.  ...

  4. OCDC moves new and emerging cooperatives forward

    Network brought together food hub and training farm managers and developers, along with technical ...

  5. Sheldon Wins Quality of Communication Award at the 2012 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meeting

    diffusion, the function of public research, the importance of private R&D investments, the role of ... University for their paper, " Investing in a Better Future through Public Agricultural Research " ...

  6. Technological Change in Crop Yields

    AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. His presentation focused on his recent research with Tor ... points in his well-accomplished life, a student, a faculty member, a leader and a researcher at Ohio ... him focuses on new research in this field to continue Professor Havlicek’s dedication to this topic of ...

  7. Globalized Fruit: Transnational Firms, Tropical Entrepreneurs and Governments, and Independent Banana Development

    October 5th. The seminar will focus on research conducted by Southgate for a book on the same topic that ...

  8. Rural-Urban Interface: Policy Issues and a Land Grant Response

    are changing in the zone where farm and city blend, what policy responses have emerged and where Land ...

  9. AEDE to Have a Strong Presence at the Western Regional Science Association’s 2013 Annual Meeting

    Professor Alessandra Faggian currently serves on the WRSA Board of Directors. Additionally, AEDE researchers ... Postdoctoral Researcher, will be presented at a session focused on land markets and development.   “Human ...

  10. David Hahn

    continuity and outstanding experience to the OCDC. His primary teaching and research interests are in ...
