
Search results

  1. Animal Sciences at 2015 CFAES Recognition Banquet

    (Rank Four) Ellen Schwieterman (ATI Horse Science, transferring to Animal Sciences) OARDC Research Award ...

  2. Seminar: Katelyn Barnhart

    Microbiome.  Animal Health Research Reviews 13(1): 121-128. 2. Desrochers, A.M., B.A. Dolente, M.F. Roy, R. ...

  3. Does TMR Sampling Provide Useful Nutrient Composition Data?

    a field study (conducted by The Ohio State University) of commercial dairy farms across the U.S., sampling ... variation contributed 36 to 70% of the total within farm variation in TMR composition over a 12-month ...

  4. Ohio State Livestock Judging Team shows strong start

    various farms in Illinois and Iowa. They practiced evaluating the animals and presenting oral reasons. ...

  5. Flip it good: Ohio State expert explains benefits of pond aeration at FSR

    Environmental Sciences, will speak on the topic at the annual Farm Science Review trade show in London, Ohio. ...

  6. Recently Published / Presented

    cattle. Genetics and Molecular Research 14(2):3026-35. Cray JA, Stevenson A, Ball P, Bankar SB, Eleutherio ... and others. 2015. INVITED REVIEW: Evolution of meat animal growth research during the past 50 years: ...

  7. 2013 Statewide Sheep Shearing School

    9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. each day at the Dave Cable Farm, 10491 Canal Rd., Hebron, OH 43025.  No Class size ...

  8. Quality Milk and Quality Beef

    been considered cull cows. These cows can contribute one last time to the bottom line of a dairy farm. ...

  9. Ag Breakfast


  10. Ag Breakfast

