
Search results

  1. Agricultural Diversification Research Tour

    Featured will be topics such as scales of diversification and markets; ecosystem services in diverse systems; ecosystem and landscape pressures on small farms; diverse vegetable production; oilseed crops; and pastured poultry and chicken tractors. ...

  2. Contact Us

        Have questions? Your local OSU Extension office has resources to answer farm, garden, home, ...

  3. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field

    bacteria as “guys,” a casual term for his research subjects, probably because he’s been studying and ... researchers also want to control how fast magnetic bacteria swim from one point to another, using their ... novel magnetic bacteria-powered-micro-machines is still in the research and development phase, their ...

  4. 2016 Alumni Awards Recap

    BS (1964) Wooster, OH Distinguished Alumni Award James Beard, BS (1957) College Station, TX Ian ...

  5. We Exceeded Our Goal, Thanks to You!

    campaign. Your generosity helps scholarships, research and community outreach. Please watch this video, ...

  6. FST student conducts research in Nicaragua

    project from OSU International Affairs Research Grant for Faculty. The project title is ‘Zoonotic ...

  7. Leveling the Playing Field for Ohio Communities

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Rembert is a doctoral candidate and a graduate research associate, ...

  8. Garlic Breath? Science Says Eat an Apple

    is here to help. Researchers at The Ohio State University have figured out how foods like apples, ... Previous research, including some done in the department, has identified such food saviors, said  Sheryl ... for this research, we were specifically looking at why certain foods work,” she said. “What is it ...

  9. Niblack Begins as CFAES Acting Senior Associate Dean

    research and outreach career that has prepared her for this role. In 2011, she joined Ohio State as ... professor and chairperson of the department and has maintained an active teaching, research and outreach ... laboratory and has continued research and extension efforts with colleagues in Ohio and throughout the ...

  10. You're Invited: CFAES Alumni Awards

    BS (1964) Wooster, OH   Distinguished Alumni Award James Beard, BS (1957) College Station, TX Ian ...
