
Search results

  1. It Is Not Too Late to Apply Nitrogen on Wheat

    a 60 bu potential.  Nitrogen rate studies at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station have shown the ...

  2. Liming Considerations

    magnesium. Extensive research has shown that crops yield the same over a wide range of calcium to magnesium ... production since the last Ohio research was completed in the early 1980s. For now, the focus should be ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-39

    our fall research trials, we usually apply herbicides in November, and we have still obtained ... chlorimuron-containing products- Authority XL, Valor XLT, and Envive. Numerous fall research trials we have conducted ... is very little research data from Ohio on the effect of seeding rates higher than 2 million seeds per ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-17

    Ohio Farm Custom Rates, the average cost for spreading dry bulk fertilizer is about $4.50/acre. It is ... 2008 Ohio Farm Custom Rates ( These ... direct to farm storage averaged $403/ton. Urea prices are significantly higher (34%), averaging $697/ton ...

  5. Assessing yield losses in corn due to frost

    summarize the findings of Minnesota researchers who defoliated plants to simulate frost damage at different ...

  6. Buying LibertyLink soybean seed for next year?...Things to know

    Our research with giant ragweed clearly shows that the best approach for reducing populations is to ...

  7. EDA Shale Project Update

    Association to embark on research-based strategic planning in this 25-county shale-impacted region.  Project ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-02 Crop Maturity & Harvest Issues (see “Grain Drying and Storage”) ... 2009 post harvest tips for later maturing corn: ... Typical Ag Limestone Nitrogen Fertilizer Considerations for Recently-Limed No-Till Fields Lime is an ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-15

    event also. Corn emergence typically requires 100 to 150 GDDs. The Purdue research indicates that corn ... N (research in Minnesota has reported significant yield reduction after V4). There is an alternative to ... research, we are usually unable to discern differences in the effectiveness of glyphosate products when ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-13

    On-line at: (select "Corn", then "Decision Tools" and ... potential. Based on OSU research, the most effective postemergence herbicide treatments for dandelion control ... As in past years, there is concern among some growers with the beetle's ability to vector ...
