
Search results

  1. Faculty Partnering on One Health Initiative

    Medicine in OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine and charged with conducting behavioral research and risk ...

  2. Community, Environment & Development

    environment and development issues facing contemporary communities. We offer research-based technical reports ...

  3. Glaciers, Gender, and Science: Toward a Feminist Glaciology

    glaciology and cryospheric sciences, and a framework for approaching social research on climate and global ...

  4. Analyzing Ohio State University’s Food Purchasing System: Opportunities for Change through the Real Food Challenge

    achieve alternative food system goals and further research questions are raised.     ...

  5. Deciding How to Decide: An Evaluation of Cultural Typologies on the Structure of Watershed Organizations

    important consideration. The intent of this research project is to uncover the factors that influence the ...

  6. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    custom-made, real-world examples with Stephen Handler, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and ...

  7. Effects of N:P Ratio on Harmful Algal Blooms

    potentially different algae communities.  Further research should focus on laboratory experiments, ...

  8. TWEL Felicity Newell Thesis

    openness. My research examined the link between canopy openness and birds that nest and forage in the forest ... flavifrons), and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea).   My research was conducted at four state forests ... stands.   Intensive research focused on canopy songbirds as one late-successional group that might benefit ...

  9. Long-term Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Tree Growth and Drought Vulnerability in Red Pine Forests in Northern Minnesota

    Alessandra Bottero, NE CSC Postdoctoral Fellow & Research Associate, University of Minnesota. Bottero ...

  10. Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks

    Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks Research ...
