
Search results

  1. Big 10 Ag Alumni Reception 2017 in D.C.

    Join the Big Ten schools with agricultural programs at a gathering of our alumni and friends who live near our nation's capital 6 to 8 p.m. March 6 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. ...

  2. Katen Honored at CFAES Recognition Banquet

    guidance and assistance to several undergraduate and graduate student research projects throughout the ...

  3. 2013 Publications

    concentrations in diets, water, and milk and their value in estimating on-farm excretion of manure minerals in ... Ruminant Research 111(1-3):10-5. Li Y, Wei S, Yu Z. 2013. Feedstocks affect the diversity and distribution ...

  4. Scholarship Recipients 2013

    Westfall Robert W. Terry Memorial Scholarship Fund- Amber Vannoy William Tyznik Equine Research Fund- ...

  5. Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015 Nomination Deadline

    research workers, Extension workers, and professional or volunteer leaders in some phase of the dairy ...

  6. Financial: Purchases

    Location email Office Phone Julie Morris Wooster 108 Gerlaugh Hall 330-263-3908 Cheryl ... Columbus 116 Plumb Hall 614-292-6564 Julie Morris Wooster 108 Gerlaugh ...

  7. Student Position in the OSU Laboratory Animal Resources Biomedical Research Surgical Unit

    Responsibilities include cleaning, inventory, assisting with veterinary procedures and animal care. There will be many opportunities for learning animal handling and care. Starting student wage $9/hour. They are willing to work with student class schedule ...

  8. Statewide Sheep Shearing School 2012

    Farm, 10491 Canal Rd., Hebron, OH 43025.  There will be no class size limit and the cost is $40 per ...

  9. Student Position in the OSU Laboratory Animal Resources Biomedical Research Surgical Unit

    Responsibilities include cleaning, inventory, assisting with veterinary procedures and animal care. There will be many opportunities for learning animal handling and care. Starting student wage $9/hour. They are willing to work with student class schedule ...

  10. You’re Invited to the CFAES VIP Alumni Tent at Farm Science Review 2016

    Coming to the Farm Science Review? Stop by our VIP alumni tent. ...
