
Search results

  1. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Medina County- CLPA No Technology

    on-farm produce safety.  This GAPs class will be presented without the use of technology Date: Wednesday, ...

  2. Date and Location Change: Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Montgomery County

    produce industry stakeholders on good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.  Wed. May 28, ...

  3. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Muskingum County

    produce industry stakeholders on good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.  Wed. April ...

  4. EPN Hosting Program on Lead in Ohio's Water

    event is in Ohio State’s Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus. ...

  5. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Fairfield County

    agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety to produce growers and industry stakeholders. Tuesday, ...

  6. GAPS Training: Monroe County

    PRACTICES Training for food safety on the farm. TIME: 1:00- 4:00 pm Location: Summerton Fire Department ...

  7. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Cuyahoga County

    on the farm.  April 7, 6:00PM-9:00PM Pre-Registration Required, $20.00 Per Person Cuyahoga County ...

  8. Report Shows How to Say Goodbye to Harmful Algal Blooms

    and about half the farm acreage would need to have cover crops and subsurface phosphorus applications. ... quality,” he said. The researchers chose the Maumee watershed because it has the most impact on the Western ...

  9. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Athens County

    growers and produce industry stakeholders on good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety. ...

  10. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Perry County

    and produce industry stakeholders about good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.    ...
