
Search results

  1. Ag Outlook and Policy Meeting


  2. Seeking the Stink Bug's Natural Enemies

    leading the research into the species of stink bugs that prey on soybeans: the green, the brown, the red ... the Ohio Soybean Council and the North Central Soybean Research Program to determine what species of ...

  3. 4-H News and Notes: February 5, 2016

    Application Due March 1, 2016 Ohio Farm Bureau and other Ohio Agriculture Organizations Scholarships ...

  4. CD Wire- July 1, 2014

    password, click  here  (scroll down to "Paper and Bytes Workshop"). "Tune-Up Your Farm Market ... Booth to Boost Sales" Webinar- July 22: The "Tune-Up Your Farm Market Booth to Boost ... practitioner of participatory research and development, will be the keynote speaker. Early-bird registration ...

  5. The Esophageal Feeder

    colostrum because recent research has proven a full dose administered all at once is much better than two ...

  6. Are You Prepared for the VFD?

    prepared for the steps that will need to be taken if a VFD drug will be needed on your farm or livestock ... you, your livestock/animals, and your farm operation.  This veterinarian is referred to as ...

  7. CD Wire- August 14, 2012

    research staff and students to complete an annual financial disclosure to comply with federal and state ... contact the Office of Research Compliance at 292-4284 or CFAES Mobile Computing ... and need to request an alternate format, contact Ohio State University Extension ...

  8. MarketReady Workshop Returns to Northeast Ohio

    a MarketReady training program on June 12 at Mill Creek MetroParks Farm in Canfield. The day-long workshop ...

  9. CD Wire- March 11, 2014

    Inventory e-Learning modules Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually) Align applied research with ... Economic Analysis) and Ledia Guci (research economist, Regional Analysis and Special Studies Branch, Bureau ... Improving the dialogue surrounding migration research in rural areas Exemplifying the ways communities are ...

  10. Wayne County Arthritis Expo

                            Padma Vellanki, M.D., rheumatologist 11:00 a.m.     “Impact of Arthritis on Farming” Kent McGuire, ...
