
Search results

  1. Do Practice Rounds Bias Experimental Auction Results?

    Experimental Auction Results? " Abstract: Researchers routinely use practice rounds to familiarize ...

  2. Public and Secret Reserve Prices in eBay Auctions

    Building (2120 Fyffe Road).  His presentation will focus on his research on "Public and Secret Reserve ...

  3. Ray certified as CASE Master Teacher

    education, evaluation, outreach education, research, and administration in the specialization areas of ...

  4. Matthew C. Roberts to Speak at the 2013 Northern Soybean Expo in Fargo, ND

    February 19th. In his research Roberts focuses on price and revenue risk management in the commodity grain ...

  5. Southwestern Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference Is Feb. 2

    Integrated Pest Management: An Update on Research and Management of Pumpkins. Biological Control of Insects ...

  6. AEDE to Launch Student Service Center in Early 2014

    their faculty advisor for in-depth program guidance, such as research advice, career counseling, ...

  7. Cash Transfers and Child Schooling: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of the Role of Conditionality

    Economics Seminar Series. His presentation will focus on his research with Richard Akresh from the ...

  8. Matthew C. Roberts to Speak at OhioGro in Delaware, OH

    February 26th. In his research Roberts focuses on price and revenue risk management in the commodity grain ...

  9. State Fair Renovations Prompt New Times, Locations for 2015 Non-livestock 4-H Competitions

    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive. Auck said there was no suitable space ...

  10. Dr. Mauricio Ramírez, 2006 AEDE Alumnus, Recognized for His Research in His Home Country of Mexico

    American International Journal of Contemporary Research in 2013, as well as his work with Favio Murillo on ...
