
Search results

  1. ‘Steady leader’ Steve Slack decides to retire as OARDC director

    center’s Wooster campus and eight outlying research stations. “Steve has accomplished an incredible amount ... Supported new public-private partnerships, including the BioHio Research Park. Oversaw major facility ... improvements, including the Ralph Regula Plant and Animal Agrosecurity Research facility, the state-of-the art ...

  2. Hardin Co. Ag Hall of Fame


  3. New greenhouses give OARDC, Ohio a competitive edge

    greenhouse research and for growing plants for laboratory-based research projects. The facility is divided ... The new Williams Hall greenhouse complex on OARDC’s Wooster campus is more than a replacement for ... the greenhouses lost to a tornado five years ago: It’s a state-of-the-art facility that will help ...

  4. Virtual Ag Coffee Hour

    Join us for our monthly Virtual Ag Coffee Hour to discuss county agriculture and Hardin County ... farm management issues. Keep up to date and share information about what is happening in local ... monthly to find out what is happening on the farms in your area. Each month a timely topic will be shared ...

  5. Wooster Campus Tour Request Form

    Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), in Wooster, Ohio, as a tour destination! If you would ... like a formal tour of our grounds, research facilities, or maybe a formal presentation from our ... Wooster Campus Tour Request Form Thank you for considering The Ohio State University’s Ohio ...

  6. Ohio Sheep Day

    Operation Eastern Agricultural Research Station On-farm Sheep Research That Will Benefit the Sheep Producer ... includes lunch. OSIA memberships can be purchased during registration. Eastern Agricultural Research ... Lambing Facility System That Works for a Large Sheep Operation Set-up of a Successful Lamb Feeding ...

  7. Extension Today: Christmas Trees

    group can help you locate a farm at which you can pick out your own tree, as well as get tips for choosing ... much of his career researching, propagating, and developing the Canaan fir to grow well in Ohio. And he ... We still have seed orchards on the Wooster campus, and a patent on the Canaan fir seed. ...

  8. 4-H AQCA Inservice

    to the attached draft agenda. Location: Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred ...

  9. Innovative Women in Agbiosciences Seminar

    Wooster and Columbus. We will assemble at: OARDC Campus, Wooster, Research Services, room 130 and Ag Admin ...

  10. Food and Picnic Safety

    safety. Her research includes investigating and promoting food safety, reduction and prevention of food ... health.” The  Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention at Ohio State "actively facilitates, ... encourages and conducts research that increases our knowledge about foodborne disease and/or leads to ...
