
Search results

  1. Canning Summer Tomatoes

    Sciences Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational ...

  2. Forage Management and TMR sampling

    Sampling Protocol             Total mixed rations (TMR) are commonly used on dairy farms to deliver an ... sampling error.  Research done by Dr. Weiss resulted in the following TMR sampling protocol recommendation: ...

  3. Kids in the Kitchen

    and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to ...

  4. Horticulture and Crop Science

    opportunities in the areas of business and industry, research and/or education involving ornamental ...

  5. 2015 Farm Outlook Meeting

    Program Topics: Grain Market Outlook Farm Production Economics Farm Policy & 2014 Farm Bill ...

  6. Farm Forum Meeting

           The Feb. 23 Greene Co. Farm Forum meeting will focus on farm safety and will include a tour ... of the New Jasper Fire Dept.?s Farm Rescue Trailer and Grain Rescue Equipment. Those wanting to eat ... by Greene Co. Farm Forum and OSU Ext. Greene Co.   ...

  7. Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink

    reminders of ways in which feed shrink occurs on the farm and some management options to reduce that loss. ... mixing errors. Concentrate commodities shrink in many ways from the time they arrive at the farm until ... they are eaten by your cows. The cost of shrink on your farm can add up quickly.   Typical shrink ...

  8. New Bulletin from Ohio AgrAbility

    Agricultural Needs, Bulletin 966, The Ohio State University. Using a wheelchair during farming and gardening ... questions to ask a medical professional when selecting the right chair for the farm. For more information or ...

  9. Ohio Ag Law Blog--Is the Endangered Species Act under threat?

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Federal grant funds Ohio State study of plant biofuel potential

    researchers for a $1.16 million grant to investigate the bioenergy potential of the plant pennycress. Ana ... Biological Resource Center. The goal of this research is to address the need for an alternative supply of jet ... researchers need to develop molecular and genetic resources to facilitate and enhance oil production by ...
