
Search results

  1. Summer or winter, ice wine from Ohio is hot (there’s science behind it)

    San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. Steiner conducts research that helps Ohio winemakers ... Together, they deliver the only long-term, university-backed research program serving Ohio’s grape and wine ...

  2. Spent foundry sand’s second life: OK to use in some soils

    Dayton, research scientist, both in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, did an intensive ... analysis of SFS in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. ...

  3. Aquaculture Research Recently Received two Grant Awards

    Aquaculture Research Recently Received two Grant Awards Dr. Hanping Wang was awarded $119,986 from ...

  4. Change of Faces at the Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    Ohio, where she and her family continue to farm.  Hannah earned her undergraduate degree from Duke ... emerging food hubs and incubator/training farms. The two-state Ohio and West Virginia Food Hub Network was ... incubator/training farms and is an effort to share information, develop linkages, and help these stakeholders gain ...

  5. Specialty Crop Growers Apprenticeship Program- Pilot

    comprehensive full-time training programs, sustainable incubator farms, business cooperatives/networks, ... acre incubator farm for a full growing season A growers’ cooperative for marketing, purchasing, ...

  6. Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 (ABC-2) Achievements and Impacts 2017

    Coordinator The Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development (OCARD) at the OSU South Centers received ...

  7. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    The Office of Research is hosting a grant writing workshop on September 13th. Registration ... competitive grant proposals. It is appropriate for all faculty members and research staff who have had some ... of Proposal Development at Tufts University, working with individual faculty members and research ...

  8. Yellow Perch Spawning Resources

    Fertilization Presentation Yellow Perch Research Presentation The Status of the Yellow Perch Industry 2013 ...

  9. On-farm tests show a higher production, growth rate and survival of improved perch

    On-farm tests show a higher production, growth rate and survival of improved perch Two-year ... on-station and on-farm tests of genetically improved yellow perch were conducted on three sites at different ...

  10. USDA / NIFA Funding

    Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. NIFA replaced the former Cooperative State Research ... agencies that make up its Research, Education, and Economics (REE) mission area.  The USDA-REE agencies ... social sciences related to agricultural research, economic analysis, statistics, extension, and higher ...
