
Search results

  1. Summer or winter, ice wine from Ohio is hot (there’s science behind it)

    San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. Steiner conducts research that helps Ohio winemakers ... Together, they deliver the only long-term, university-backed research program serving Ohio’s grape and wine ...

  2. Spent foundry sand’s second life: OK to use in some soils

    Dayton, research scientist, both in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, did an intensive ... analysis of SFS in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. ...

  3. See How Holiday Generosity Provides Lasting Impact!

    your donation can benefit scholarships, research, community outreach and other programming, all of ...

  4. Save the Date- Homecoming 2015

    memories, in the hours before the football game. Events will take place at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm ...

  5. Visit the CFAES Exhibit at the Ohio State Fair

    Environmental Sciences.  CFAES has a booth within the “Land and Living” exhibit presented by Ohio Farm Bureau ...

  6. International publisher honors Rattan Lal

    publishers of scientific, medical and technology information, uses the Atlas awards to showcase research that ...

  7. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    I was at a state meeting yesterday where some interesting research was shared.  In essence Duke ...

  8. Happy New Year from CFAES

    and Horacio Lopez-Nicora, a graduate researcher in plant pathology.  Click here to give to the ...

  9. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    The Office of Research is hosting a grant writing workshop on September 13th. Registration ... competitive grant proposals. It is appropriate for all faculty members and research staff who have had some ... of Proposal Development at Tufts University, working with individual faculty members and research ...

  10. Use of Hessian Fly-Free Date for Winter Wheat Planting

    Research showed that due to unfavorable weather conditions, the aphid population tends to crash after the ...
