
Search results

  1. Habits of Highly-Effective PIs: Succeeding in Research at Ohio State

    Habits of Highly-Effective PIs: Succeeding in Research at Ohio State Want to learn more about the ... roles and responsibilities of PIs at Ohio State?  Looking for resources to support your research ... productivity?  Want assistance with data management planning?  Join the Office of Research and the Libraries’ ...

  2. Transitioning to organic? A three-year project studies the effects of different transitional strategies


  3. Shopping and Our Spending Habits

    assimilate this behavior as normal. Current research suggests that repeatedly using shopping to offset ...

  4. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--The Ag Law Harvest

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  5. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row

    found on a commercial turkey farm located in Dubois, Indiana. The case was confirmed on January 14th and ... reported. Once the virus was in poultry-dense areas of Minnesota, farm to farm transmission played the major ...

  6. Addressing equity and inclusion in your research mentoring

    This workshop is designed for mentors of undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty. During this workshop, participating faculty will learn how to acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege, stereotyp ...

  7. Winter Weather and Livestock Nutrition

    requirements could increase 7 to 30% over dry conditions.  In addition, there is research that suggests that ...

  8. Monthly Newsletter (January 2015)

    Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES ... research community that summarizes upcoming funding opportunities and provides updates, strategies, and ...

  9. Keep Important Papers Organized & Safe

    I was at a state meeting yesterday where some interesting research was shared.  In essence Duke ...

  10. Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization

    Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization Concerned about ... retaining ownership of your research output or getting assistance with publisher’s agreements?  Interested ... consider for protecting and promoting original research. Register:  ...
