
Search results

  1. Got Concerns? Dairy Scholar Extols Nutritional Virtues of Milk

    to dairy by products, he said. Among his current research initiatives is an examination of the “fresh ... working on a proposal to investigate high-pressure homogenization as well. While the research is ...

  2. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class Hardin County No Technology

    on-farm produce safety.  This GAPs class will be presented without the use of technology Date: Tuesday, ...

  3. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Medina County- CLPA No Technology

    on-farm produce safety.  This GAPs class will be presented without the use of technology Date: Wednesday, ...

  4. Date and Location Change: Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Montgomery County

    produce industry stakeholders on good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.  Wed. May 28, ...

  5. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Muskingum County

    produce industry stakeholders on good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.  Wed. April ...

  6. In Memoriam: Thomas Taylor Stout, AEDE Professor Emeritus and Undergraduate Program Scholarship Funder

    Department of Agriculture’s Economics Research Service. While at AEDE, he served as chair of both the ... courses, focusing on subjects such as marketing, policy, and the livestock meat industry. His research ...

  7. GAPS Training: Monroe County

    PRACTICES Training for food safety on the farm. TIME: 1:00- 4:00 pm Location: Summerton Fire Department ...

  8. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Fairfield County

    agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety to produce growers and industry stakeholders. Tuesday, ...

  9. New Research from AEDE Alumnus Bidisha Mandal and Professor Brian Roe Suggests that Women’s Decisions Regarding Stopping Breastfeeding and Returning to the Workplace are Interlinked

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the researchers used a simultaneous equations model to study ... to stop breastfeeding their child.   Of importance, the researchers found that for higher ... household budget via paid work is a simultaneous decision process.” These findings offset previous research ...

  10. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Cuyahoga County

    on the farm.  April 7, 6:00PM-9:00PM Pre-Registration Required, $20.00 Per Person Cuyahoga County ...
