
Search results

  1. What is Your Corn Silage Worth?

    (predicted), and 75% confidence limits for feed commodities used on Ohio dairy farms. ...

  2. Economic Comparison of Reproductive Programs for Dairy Herds Using Estrus Detection, Ovsynch, or a Combination of Both

    reproductive management is made (compliance or accuracy of ED) at the farm level. Combination of ...

  3. Dairy Judging Team and 4-H Dairy Programming Updates

    farm, and cattle, plus contributions to this educational program.  Perhaps, you will have already met ...

  4. Dairy Policy and Market Watch,

    dairy farm families in the Mideast Federal Order is that of re-pooling and its impact on the Uniform ...

  5. New care standards for Ohio veal and dairy to begin in 2018

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  6. AgrAbility Webinar: Arthritis Pain Management

    information from leading arthritis research organizations Our Presenter: Amber D. Wolfe, B.S., joined the ...

  7. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    farms, either as commodities or as ingredients used in commercial feeds, are justified on an economic ...

  8. Tips for Spring Application of Manure

    attending the Manure Science Review August 24 to 26, 2004 or Farm Science Review September 21 to 23, 2004 ...

  9. OSU Partners on Ag & Food Law Legal Education Conference

    We invite attorneys to join us in Memphis, TN for a continuing legal education conference addressing issues for agricultural law practitioners.  For an agenda and registration information, visit this link. agriculture law ...

  10. Selling foods at the farm: when do you need a license?

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