
Search results

  1. Spring Insect Concerns Already?  . As the temperature warms, alfalfa fields in the more northern part of the state will need to be ...

  2. Ohio State scientists affiliated with IPM Innovation Lab work with Kenya’s Kongai Tisa Farmer Association to improve tomato production

    thrips. The OSU research scientists, in close collaboration with scientists from the Kenyan Agricultural ... Research Institute (KARI) in Thika, developed and introduced an integrated package of management options ... participating in the research trials and through a series of workshops, have learned how to do the grafting, ...

  3. Wheat Nitrogen Rates

    fields are fit. Keep in mind that research has shown no yield reduction as long as nitrogen is applied ... rate studies at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station have shown the optimum rate varies ...

  4. AgCrops Calendar for February 2015

    Williamsfield, Ohio This year’s workshop will focus on keeping crop producers on the front edge of farm policy, ... Extension state specialists, field specialists, and researchers. Ohio Department of Agriculture personnel ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-09

    slightly opaque (see picture at Although we do not have ... terms researchers have used is called “slow rusting” types. Many of the companies are already screening ... advanced lines in research stations around the world. USDA is currently screening the soybean germplasm ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-29

    Stands GVM West Field Day, September 2 Northern Ohio Farm Management Luncheon September 14, 2009 ... has been a problem on a specific farm, then use of lactic acid bacteria may increase overall shrink ... and would not be recommended. If spoilage has not been a problem on a specific farm, then use of ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-42

     Those who farm the heavy ground should avoid those lines with none or Rps1a, and very low levels of ... local conditions warrant (e.g. – fields with more slope). ·         For ODA permitted facilities and ... According to the USDA-Economic Research Service ( in 2011, 74% of ...

  8. Soil Infiltration

    continuous pores linking surface to subsurface soil layers. Farming practices that lead to poor infiltration ...

  9. OSUE Annual Conference

    and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build ... relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded applied research ... cutting-edge research. Recognition of outstanding work of Extension colleagues and the contribution of ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-11

    hybrids. However, more recently researchers in South Dakota and Minnesota (Wicks and Mack, 1995; Westgate ... similar flowering date in the same field. In 2005, OSU agronomists and OSUE ag educators conducted an ... evaluation of hybrid mixtures at seven on-farm test sites representing a range of production environments ...
