
Search results

  1. Tough Horseman Race

    Presented by the OSU Horseman's Association. Think WARRIOR RUN, farm style! Including: A 1.3 ... mile run, mud pit, roping, bale climb, and other farm obstacles! Event date: March 29, 2014 at 1:00 PM ...

  2. CFAES team chosen for first I-Corps@Ohio

    whose goal is turning university research into commercial products. The  I-Corps@Ohio Program  is ... professor with OARDC’s  Food Animal Health Research Program. He and his research team have recently ...

  3. 2013 CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum Highlights

    CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum on Tuesday, February 26, 2013.  Thirty-two undergraduate student ... researchers from CFAES and the School of Environment and Natural Resources shared their research in a poster ... A complete listing of student projects and faculty judges can be found at: ...

  4. SENR's Rattan Lal named Rothamsted Fellow

    conferred the honorary title of Rothamsted Fellow. He attended the ceremony at  Rothamsted Research, UK, and ... only 10 or so agricultural researchers from around the world to have received the award. The center, ... which started in 1843, is an independent scientific research institute and is the longest-running ...

  5. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program, is unique among U.S. state-assisted ... universities. In fostering high-quality research among scientists supported by OARDC and CFAES, SEEDS enables ... programs, and it provides them with leverage to attract industry support. With eight outlying research ...

  6. GAPS 3-Hour Training: Belmont County

    at the farm level.  These practices are options to REDUCE but can never ELIMINATE all the risks of ...

  7. 3-Hr GAPs Training: HOLMES COUNTY

    the risk of foodborne contamination on produce at the farm level.  These practices are options to ...

  8. Ohio State, Smucker's come together over coffee

     have partnered to conduct innovative research on one of the world's favorite beverages: coffee. ... Knowledge Transfer Office  (TCO) recently teamed up to create a sponsored research project with the ... a research need that involves expertise housed in the university's  Center for Applied Plant Sciences ...

  9. Meet the New Parker Dairy Chair

    aid digestion. Provide support here to the FST Dairy Research Fund, which helps fund equipment, ... supplies, travel expenses and may include payroll for undergraduate and graduate researchers. In addition, ... his current research initiatives is an examination of the “fresh milk” concept in Australia, where ...

  10. November Newsletter

    – Barriers To Urban Farming Listening Session, 6:00 pm, Franklin Park ... send an e-mail to with the subject line “Unsubscribe.” CFAES provides research and ...
